Child Support Agreement Form Washington State
22. Juli 2022

Child Support Agreement Form in Washington State: What You Need to Know

Divorce and separation can be a challenging time for both parents and children. However, one of the most important things to consider is the financial support for the child or children involved. In Washington State, child support is a legal obligation that both parents must fulfill. To ensure that this obligation is fulfilled, both parents must fill out a Child Support Agreement Form.

This article will guide you through the essential aspects you need to know about Child Support Agreement Forms in Washington State.

What is a Child Support Agreement Form?

A Child Support Agreement Form is a legal document that outlines how much financial support one parent will provide to the other parent to ensure that the child`s needs are met. This agreement is usually established as part of the divorce or separation agreement.

In the state of Washington, the Child Support Agreement Form is filed with the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to establish a legal obligation for the paying parent to provide child support. The Child Support Agreement Form is also used in cases where the child`s parents were never married or are unmarried.

Why is a Child Support Agreement Form Important?

A Child Support Agreement Form is essential because it ensures that each parent is responsible for financially supporting their child or children. It`s important to remember that child support is not for the supporting parent`s benefit but is solely for the child`s benefit.

Without a Child Support Agreement Form, the supporting parent may not feel compelled to provide financial support to the child. This lack of support can lead to financial difficulties for the custodial parent and, more importantly, put the child`s well-being at risk.

What is Included in a Child Support Agreement Form?

A Child Support Agreement Form typically includes the following:

1. The custodial parent`s and non-custodial parent`s name and contact information.

2. The child or children`s name and date of birth.

3. The amount of child support payments that will be paid, including when payments are due.

4. The duration of the agreement, including when the child support payments will end.

5. The allocation of expenses, such as medical costs, child care, and education.

6. The process for modifying or terminating the agreement.

How is Child Support Calculated in Washington State?

In Washington State, child support is calculated using a formula that takes into account both parents` income and the number of children. The formula considers the gross income of each parent, including salary, bonuses, and overtime pay. It also considers the number of overnights each parent has with the child.

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) has a child support calculator available on their website, which parents can use to estimate the amount of child support that may be required.


Filling out a Child Support Agreement Form in Washington State is an essential part of ensuring that both parents fulfill their financial obligation to support their child or children. The agreement outlines the amount of child support payments and other important terms, including the allocation of expenses and the duration of the agreement.

If you need additional information about Child Support Agreement Forms in Washington State, DSHS has plenty of resources available, including online calculators and contact information for support services. Remember that establishing a Child Support Agreement Form is crucial for the well-being of your children during and after a divorce or separation.